Facial Massage for Healthy Skin

Before the age of countless beauty products and cosmetics addressing the skin health, women across the globe relied on traditional remedies to primp and pamper to get that healthy glow. Marie Antoinette (the last Queen of France) used fermented pigeon tonic as a part of her skincare routine! WHAT??
Now, it’s time for us to borrow a few beauty pearls of wisdom from our ancestors and step up our beauty regimen.
We hunted the globe from East to West and discovered that facial massage has a renowned influence in the realm of beauty for thousands of years. Countless ancient medical texts from China, Greece, Persia, Japan and India describe facial massage as a therapeutic and holistic beauty treatment.
Why massage?
As age takes a toll on our bodies, signs like wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and flabbiness start bothering us. This is mainly due to loss of skin elasticity, poor blood circulation, loss of subcutaneous fat and disturbance in muscle tone, which is caused due to repeated muscle use. These conditions effectively respond to massage and hence helps in slowing down the process of ageing and all the skin troubles associated with it.
Benefits of Facial Massage
- Makes the skin tissues firm by gently exercising the muscles
- Improves blood circulation and boosts collagen production
- Combats fluid retention in the under eye area keeping dark circles and under-eye bags at bay.
- Stimulates the lymph glands that carry away the waste and hence helps in getting rid of the effete matter that may cause unsightly skin conditions.
- Brings a radiant glow on your skin.
- Fights fine lines and renders a youthful look to your skin.
Want to skip out on weekly professional facial and save some moolah? Try our DIY massage at home!
Now that facial massage doesn’t sound like another time-consuming addition to your skin care regimen, try our easy spa-like massage at home.
Hands are effective, but tools give better results
Facial massage at home can be done with hands, but tools can always offer you more effective and speedy results. Facial care tools enable you to replicate spa-like treatment at home effortlessly.
Our Gua Sha facial tool is one of the most popular massage tools, perfect for a holistic facial practice. The practice of Gua Sha therapy dates back to ancient times, originating from China. The therapy using Gua Sha involves pulling rose quartz stone along the skin.
The Gua Sha Brazilian rose quartz facial massage tool has been known to relieve individuals of nearly every skin condition from dryness and adult acne to rosacea. Unlike the modern-day topical products, the technique addresses the root cause of different skin problems. Use the tool properly with suitable facial oils, and you should have radiant glow within minutes.